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Terms of Reference for the Strategic Board May 2015 – March 2016


The Strategic Board (Board) of the Southwark Teaching School Alliance (STSA) has made these terms of reference in May 2015. These shall be reviewed annually.

Purpose/role of the Board:

  • To assist the decision making of STSA by enabling more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the STSA’s responsibilities in relation to the provision of Initial Teacher Training
  • To implement STSA's action plan(s)
  • Subject to the limitations set out below, the Board shall take and/or authorise all proper decisions to implement STSA's action plan(s)
  • To quality assure the outcomes of the action plan(s)
  • To refine the annual action plan(s) as the work of STSA develops
  • To respond to local and national issues that require consideration and action from STSA and the Committee

Limitations on authority

The Board shall not take and/or authorise any decision which:

  • Is contrary to any policy that has been set by the Board and Alliance Chairs (Chairs).
  • Is contrary to STSA's action plan(s)

The Board shall approve (or not) for reimbursement any costs incurred by any Strategic Head which:

  • Would result in STSA incurring costs for that Strategic Head exceeding £500 in total by March 2016 excluding reimbursement to any school for the time spent on the STSA work


The Board shall comprise a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 members (the Members) to include at least:

  • 5 persons representing primary schools in Southwark
  • 1 person representing an alternative setting
  • 1 person representing the Institute of Education
  • 1 person representing the local authority; and
  • such other members as the Chairs decide from time to time

Each Board Member shall be appointed by the organisation they represent and shall hold office for a period of one year from April to March.

Each institution through their appointed representative has one vote.

The Chair(s) of STSA shall be appointed by the Board. Each meeting of the Board will be chaired by one of the appointed Chairs.

The Board shall appoint ‘Strategic Leads’. The Members of STSA by written notice to the Chair(s) may remove any Strategic Lead at any time if good reasons are given; such reasons are outlined below.

The office of a Strategic Lead and/or Board member shall be vacated if:

  • Any event or circumstance occurs which would disqualify him or her from the office of a Chair(s) or Board member of STSA under the Articles were he or she to hold such office
  • He or she has, without the consent of the Board, failed to attend two consecutive Board meetings, beginning with the date of the first such meeting he or she has failed to attend
  • He or she resigns from office by notice to the Chair(s)

Meetings and voting

  • Meetings of the Committee will be held in each half term as a minimum and will ordinarily be held at the school of a Strategic Lead.
  • The Teaching School Director (the Director) shall give written notice of each meeting and circulate an agenda and any reports or other papers to be considered at the meeting together with minutes of the previous meeting at least seven days in advance of each meeting. However, where the Chair(s) determines there are matters demanding urgent consideration, it shall be sufficient if the written notice of the meeting states the fact and the notice, copy of the agenda and other papers are given within such shorter period as the Chair(s) directs
  • Any two Members of the Board may requisition a meeting by giving written notice to the Director, which includes a summary of the business to be transacted. It shall be the duty of the Director to convene a meeting as soon as reasonably practicable.
  • The Board may invite the Chair(s) of STSA, Strategic Leads and other persons who are not Board Members to attend the whole or part of any meeting for purposes connected with such a meeting
  • The quorum for meetings of the Board shall be one half of the total number of Board Members in office at that time (rounded up to the nearest whole number)
  • Every question to be decided at a meeting of the Board shall be determined by a majority of the votes of Board Members present and voting on the question.
  • Votes tendered by proxy shall not be counted.
  • Where there is an equal division of votes, the Chair of the Board Meeting shall have a casting vote.
  • Board Members shall complete a register of their business interests, which shall be reviewed annually.
  • Any Board Member who has any duty or personal interest that conflicts or may conflict with his or her duties as a Board Member shall:
    • disclose that fact to the Board as soon as he or she becomes aware of it. A Board Member must absent himself or herself from any discussions of the Board in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his or her duty to act solely in the interests of STSA and such duty or personal interest;
    • withdraw from any meeting for that item unless expressly invited to remain in order to provide information;
    • not be counted in the quorum for that part of any meeting; and
    • withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter.


  • The Board before the next Board meeting shall receive from the Chair(s)reports from each Strategic Lead with an update of the business transacted since the previous meeting and progress made in respect of implementation of the action plan(s)
  • The Director shall circulate minutes of Board meetings as soon as is reasonably practicable with the agreement of the Chair(s).
  • The Board shall report to the National College for Teaching and Leadership and/or the Department for Education as required – the Director shall inform the Strategic Leads of any requirements
  • Any confidential issues arising shall be shared with the Chair(s)