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What is an SLE?

SLEs: Specialist Leaders in Education

SLEs are outstanding middle and senior leaders with at least two years’ leadership experience in positions below the headteacher, They each have a particular area of expertise (in at least on of the areas detailed below). They also have a successful track record of school improvement

Leadership and management Academies and academy transition; assessment; leadership of continuing professional development; school business management and financial management; leadership of curriculum
Pupil achievement Art; closing the gap; drama; design and technology; early years; English; geography; history; information and communication technology; maths; modern foreign languages; music; phonics; physical education; personal, social and health education; religious education; science; special educational needs; support for the most able pupils
Quality of teaching Initial teacher training and newly qualified teacher development
Behaviour and safety Behaviour and discipline; attendance

SLEs support leaders in other schools so that they have the skills to lead their own teams and improve practice in their own schools. This may be done in a variety of ways including one- to-one peer coaching or facilitated group support. Their work could involve a wide range of activities including data analysis, coaching or joint action planning.

SLEs can come from any school or academy, including nursery, primary, secondary, special, pupil referral unit, independent or free school, or sixth form college. The SLE will be outstanding although it is not necessary for his or her school to be outstanding.